snarlpy modules¶
- snarlpy.cycle_sampling.generate_networkx_cycle_from_edges(edge_set, input_graph)[source]¶
Generate networkx.Graph object representing a basis cycle from a given edge subset.
- Args:
edge_set (list):
The binary edge vector representing the cycle.
input_graph (networkx.Graph):
The original simple graph used for reduction.
- Returns:
A simple eulerian cycle.
- snarlpy.cycle_sampling.generate_random_coordinate(nullity)[source]¶
Generate a binary sequence vector of length ‘nullity’.
- Args:
nullity (int):
The cyclomatic number determining the length of the binary vector.
- Returns:
A binary vector for cycle sampling from a set of cardinality ‘nullity’.
- snarlpy.cycle_sampling.generate_random_index(nullity)[source]¶
Generate an index vector for sampling from a cycle basis of cardinality ‘nullity’.
- Args:
nullity (int):
The cyclomatic number determining the length of the binary vector.
- Returns:
An index vector for cycle sampling from a set of cardinality ‘nullity’.
- snarlpy.cycle_sampling.get_binary(j, a)[source]¶
Generate a binary sequence vector of length a.
- Args:
j (int):
The j-th binary to generate.
a (int):
The cyclomatic number deterining the vector length/scope.
- Returns:
A binary vector for further cycle sampling processes.
- snarlpy.cycle_sampling.get_keyNumbers_forBinary(null, iteration)[source]¶
Sample a random index from the cycle space of a graph with nullity ‘null’. Args:
null (int):
The cyclomatic number determining the the exponential size of the cycle space.
iteration (int):
Sample size.
- Returns:
An index vector for cycle sampling from a set of basis cardinality ‘null’.
- snarlpy.cycle_sampling.get_new_cycle(new_key, cycle_matrix, backbone_graph)[source]¶
Generate a new networkx.Graph object, representing a cycle from a given graph, its cycle basis and a binary coefficient vector.
- Args:
new_key (int):
The binary coefficient vectorto generate a cycle superpostion.
cycle_matrix (int):
The graph’s mesh matrix for a given cycle basis.
backbone_graph (int):
The input graph used to reconstruct a full networkx.Graph object
- Returns:
A simple eulerian cycle.
- snarlpy.cycle_sampling.get_new_cycle_components(edge_set, edge_matrix, nx_cycle, backbone_graph)[source]¶
Generate a new networkx.Graph object, representing a cycle from a given graph, its cycle basis and a binary coefficient vector.
- Args:
edge_set (list):
A list of all edges in the simple graph.
edge_matrix (list):
The binary mesh matrix of the graph.
nx_cycle (networkx.Graph):
The networx.Graph object representing a Eulerian cycle.
backbone_graph (networkx.Graph):
The original simple graph used for reduction.
- Returns:
The coefficient vector for given cycle in the current cycle basis.
The rebuild of the given Eulerian cycle for simplification.
- snarlpy.cycle_sampling.get_new_cycle_components_gamma(edge_set, edge_matrix, key, backbone_graph)[source]¶
Generate a new networkx.Graph object, representing a cycle from a given graph, its cycle basis and a binary coefficient vector.
- Args:
edge_set (list):
A list of all edges in the simple graph.
edge_matrix (list):
The binary mesh matrix of the graph.
key (networkx.Graph):
An index list indicating which cycles are to be superimposed.
backbone_graph (networkx.Graph):
The original simple graph used for reduction.
- Returns:
The coefficient vector for given cycle in the current cycle basis.
The rebuild of the given Eulerian cycle for simplification.
- snarlpy.cycle_sampling.grab_all_cycles_from_space(*args)[source]¶
- Args:
args (list):
A list of cyclomatic numbers.
- Returns:
A list of binary vectors for further cycle sampling processes.
- class snarlpy.cycleToolsLinking.linkedCycles_extraTools[source]¶
A class f function tools to compte linking of cycle basis of simple, spatially embedded graphs. Attributes:
tck (dict):
Spline parameters for curve smoothening
edge_res (int):
Edge point resolution.
XS (list):
Array of curve parameters (0,1) for edge point densification.
N (int):
res (int):
Numeric resoltuion of Gauss map (double integral) evaluation.
threshold (float):
Linkage number demanded accuracy.
limit (int):
Internal limit numbers.
lm (list):
List of internal limit numbers.
itvl (list):
Double integral borders.
x (list):
An array holding curve parameters for smoothened curves.
dxy (float):
Double integral infinitesimal square factor.
- Methods:
- __post_init__()
The model post_init function.
- calc_linkage_cycleSets_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2)
Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two sets of cycle bases (in networkx format).
- extract_points_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2)
Extract the polygonial representation of each edge of the given graph sets.
- calc_linkage_cycleSets_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2)
Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two sets of cycle bases (in polygonial format).
- calc_linkage_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2)
Compute the linkage of polygonial curves in 3D via the Gauss map for each cycle pairing.
- get_geoInfo(curve_sets)
Compute cycle centers and maximal point distance from center (For pre-sorting spatially distant cycles which cant’possibly be linked)
- compute_link_number(curve1, curve2):
Compute the specific link for a pair of curves, via Gauss map evaluation.
- get_smooth_curve(points3D)
Smoothing of polygonial curves in order to improve results for sharp bending points and fourther function generator dependencies.
- refine_curve_points(points3D)
Increase point density of the graph’sedges, by inserting extra points along the line segments.
- get_smooth_points(t, tck)
Create a smooth 3D point representation by utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters.
- get_smooth_director(t, tck):
Create a smooth 3D point representation of the curves tangent by utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters.
- gauss_map(points, tangents)
Gauss map evaluation utilizing the entirety of curve points and their tangents (equal to entire double integral kernel evaluation).
- compute_link_number(curve1, curve2)
Compute the linking number of two closed curves (3D point representation).
- compute_link_number(curve1, curve2)[source]¶
Compute the linking number of two closed curves (3D point representation).
- Args:
curve_1 (list):
A list of 3D-point sets representing a cycle of graph #1.
curve_2 (list):
A list of 3D-point sets representing a cycle of graph #2.
- Returns:
A dictionary containing the numeric value of the linking number integral (Gauss map).
- gauss_map(x1, x2, p12, t, t12)[source]¶
Gauss mappiecewise linear bits of the entire closed super-curves.
- Args:
- x1 (float):
Curve parameter #1.
- x2 (float):
Curve parameter #2.
- p12 (ndarray):
Anchor point difference.
- t (list):
A list of ndarrays representing the current edge tangent vector.
- p12 (ndarray):
Anchor point difference.
- Returns:
The evaluated, non-rounded value of the Gauss map kernel bit.
- class snarlpy.cycleToolsLinking.linkedCycles_tools[source]¶
A class f function tools to compte linking of cycle basis of simple, spatially embedded graphs. Attributes:
tck (dict):
Spline parameters for curve smoothening
edge_res (int):
Edge point resolution.
XS (list):
Array of curve parameters (0,1) for edge point densification.
N (int):
res (int):
Numeric resoltuion of Gauss map (double integral) evaluation.
threshold (float):
Linkage number demanded accuracy.
x (list):
An array holding curve parameters for smoothened curves.
dxy (float):
Double integral infinitesimal square factor.
- Methods:
- __post_init__()
The model post_init function.
- calc_linkage_cycleSets_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2)
Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two sets of cycle bases (in networkx format).
- extract_points_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2)
Extract the polygonial representation of each edge of the given graph sets.
- calc_linkage_cycleSets_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2)
Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two sets of cycle bases (in polygonial format).
- calc_linkage_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2)
Compute the linkage of polygonial curves in 3D via the Gauss map for each cycle pairing.
- get_geoInfo(curve_sets)
Compute cycle centers and maximal point distance from center (For pre-sorting spatially distant cycles which cant’possibly be linked)
- compute_link_number(curve1, curve2):
Compute the specific link for a pair of curves, via Gauss map evaluation.
- get_smooth_curve(points3D)
Smoothing of polygonial curves in order to improve results for sharp bending points and fourther function generator dependencies.
- refine_curve_points(points3D)
Increase point density of the graph’sedges, by inserting extra points along the line segments.
- get_smooth_points(t, tck)
Create a smooth 3D point representation by utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters.
- get_smooth_director(t, tck):
Create a smooth 3D point representation of the curves tangent by utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters.
- gauss_map(points, tangents)
Gauss map evaluation utilizing the entirety of curve points and their tangents (equal to entire double integral kernel evaluation).
- calc_linkage_cycleSets_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2)[source]¶
Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two sets of cycle bases (in networkx format).
- Args:
cycle_sets1 (list):
A list of networkx.Graph objects representing the cycle basis of graph #1.
cycle_sets2 (list):
A list of networkx.Graph objects representing the cycle basis of graph #2.
- Returns:
A dictionary containing the boolean value of linkage for each cycle pair of the input bases.
A dictionary containing the numeric value of linkage (Gauss map) for each cycle pair of the input bases.
- calc_linkage_cycleSets_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2)[source]¶
Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two sets of cycle bases (in polygonial format).
- Args:
cycle_sets1 (list):
A list of 3D-point sets representing the cycle basis of graph #1.
cycle_sets2 (list):
A list of 3D-point sets representing the cycle basis of graph #2.
- Returns:
A dictionary containing the boolean value of linkage for each cycle pair of the input bases.
A dictionary containing the numeric value of linkage (Gauss map) for each cycle pair of the input bases.
- calc_linkage_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2)[source]¶
Compute the linkage of polygonial curves in 3D via the Gauss map for each cycle pairing.
- Args:
cycle_sets1 (list):
A list of 3D-point sets representing the cycle basis of graph #1.
cycle_sets2 (list):
A list of 3D-point sets representing the cycle basis of graph #2.
- Returns:
A dictionary containing the numeric value of linkage (Gauss map) for each cycle pair of the input bases.
- compute_link_number(curve1, curve2)[source]¶
Compute the specific link for a pair of curves, via Gauss map evaluation.
- Args:
curve_1 (list):
A list 3D points (ordered) forming a closed curve (cycle #1).
curve_1 (list):
A list 3D points (ordered) forming a closed curve (cycle #2).
- Returns:
Non-rounded result of numeric double integral evaluation.
- extract_points_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2)[source]¶
Extract the polygonial representation of each edge of the given graph sets.
- Args:
cycle_sets1 (list):
A list of networkx.Graph objects representing the cycle basis of graph #1.
cycle_sets2 (list):
A list of networkx.Graph objects representing the cycle basis of graph #2.
- Returns:
A list of polygons for each input basis representing the spatially embeded curve for each basis cycle.
- gauss_map(points, tangents)[source]¶
Gauss map evaluation utilizing the entirety of curve points and their tangents (equal to entire double integral kernel evaluation).
- Args:
points (list):
A list of 3D points as part of the smooth curve representation, for each cyce.
tangents (tuple):
A list 3D points as part of the smooth curve representation, for each cycle.
- Returns:
The evaluated, non-rounded value of the Gauss map kernel.
- get_geoInfo(curve_sets)[source]¶
Compute cycle centers and maximal point distance from center (For pre-sorting spatially distant cycles which cant’possibly be linked)
- Args:
curve_sets (list):
A list of polygons for each input basis representing the spatially embeded curve for each basis cycle.
- Returns:
A dictionary containing cycle centers for each cycle basis (3D points)
A dictionary containing maximal point distance from the center for each cycle basis.
- get_smooth_curve(points3D)[source]¶
Smoothing of polygonial curves in order to improve results for sharp bending points and fourther function generator dependencies.
- Args:
points3D (list):
A list 3D points (ordered) forming a closed curve.
- Returns:
(t,c,k) a tuple containing the vector of knots, the B-spline coefficients, and the degree of the spline.
- get_smooth_director(t, tck)[source]¶
Create a smooth 3D point representation of the curves tangent by utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters.
- Args:
t (list):
Current curve parameter.
tck (tuple):
(t,c,k) a tuple containing the vector of knots, the B-spline coefficients, and the degree of the spline.
- Returns:
A 3D point as part of the smooth curve representation.
- get_smooth_points(t, tck)[source]¶
Create a smooth 3D point representation by utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters.
- Args:
t (list):
Current curve parameter.
tck (tuple):
(t,c,k) a tuple containing the vector of knots, the B-spline coefficients, and the degree of the spline.
- Returns:
A 3D point as part of the smooth curve representation.
- refine_curve_points(points3D)[source]¶
Increase point density of the graph’sedges, by inserting extra points along the line segments.
- Args:
points3D (list):
A list 3D points (ordered) forming a closed curve, each consecutive tuple represents an edge from the graph.
- Returns:
Denser 3D point representation of closed curves.
- snarlpy.edge_algebra.calc_echelon_form(Ax)[source]¶
Compute the echelon form of a given binary equations system and checking for inconsistencies and solutions of the key problem.
- Args:
Ax (ndarray):
A given binary equation system, used for linear independence tests of Eulerian cycles.
- Returns:
The last column of the echelon, indicating whether the column vectors are linear independent or not.
- snarlpy.edge_algebra.check_superposition_edge_connected(keys, edge_matrix)[source]¶
Compute cycle superpostion with consectuive test whether the cycles generated during superposition are connected.
- Args:
keys (list):
An index list indicating which cycles are to be superimposed.
cycle_matrix (ndarray):
The binary edge vectors of all cycles bundled into one matrix (technically the graph’s mesh matrix).
- Returns:
True or False, depending on whether the cycles generated during superposition are connected.
- snarlpy.edge_algebra.edge_column(c, edge_set, sig_graph)[source]¶
Compute the signature-sensitive edge vector representation of a given cycle.
- Args:
c (networkx.Graph):
A networkx.Graph representing a Eulerian cycle in the simple graph.
edge_set (list):
A list of all edges in the simple graph.
sig_graph (dict):
A dictionary holding the information on the graph’s intrinsic edge signatures (directions) for comparison with cycle edge directions.
- Returns:
The signature-sensitive edge vector representation of the given cycle.
- snarlpy.edge_algebra.edge_column_binary(c, edge_set)[source]¶
Compute the binary edge vector representation of a given cycle.
- Args:
c (networkx.Graph):
A networkx.Graph representing a Eulerian cycle in the simple Graph.
edge_set (list):
A list of all edges in the simple graph.
- Returns:
The binary edge vector representation of the given cycle.
- snarlpy.edge_algebra.edge_column_rand(c, edge_set, sig_graph)[source]¶
Compute the signature-sensitive edge vector representation of a given cycle. Randomize the initial node for the ycle’s signature computation.
- Args:
c (networkx.Graph):
A networkx.Graph representing a Eulerian cycle in the simple graph.
edge_set (list):
A list of all edges in the simple graph.
sig_graph (dict):
A dictionary holding the information on the graph’s intrinsic edge signatures (directions) for comparison with cycle edge directions.
- Returns:
The signature-sensitive edge vector representation of the given cycle.
- snarlpy.edge_algebra.generate_edge_matrix(basis, edge_set, sig_graph)[source]¶
Compute the signature-sensitive edge vector representations of an entire cycle basis.
- Args:
basis (list):
A list networkx.Graph objects, representing the Eulerian cycle basis of the simple graph.
edge_set (list):
A list of all edges in the simple graph.
sig_graph (dict):
A dictionary holding the information on the graph’s intrinsic edge signatures (directions) for comparison with cycle edge directions.
- Returns:
The signature-sensitive edge vectors of all cycles bundled into one matrix (technically the graph’s mesh matrix)
- snarlpy.edge_algebra.generate_edge_matrix_binary(basis, edge_set)[source]¶
Compute the binary edge vector representations of an entire cycle basis.
- Args:
basis (list):
A list networkx.Graph objects, representing the Eulerian cycle basis of the simple graph.
edge_set (list):
A list of all edges in the simple graph.
- Returns:
The binary edge vectors of all cycles bundled into one matrix (technically the graph’s mesh matrix).
- snarlpy.edge_algebra.get_component_key(edge_vector, edge_matrix)[source]¶
For a given binary edge vector, compute its coefficient vector with respect to the currently used basis.
- Args:
edge_vector (ndarray):
The binary edge vector presentation of an Eulerian cycle.
edge_matrix (ndarray):
The simple graph’s mesh matrix, representing the set of basis cycles.
- Returns:
The coefficient vector for given cycle in the current cycle basis.
- snarlpy.edge_algebra.get_cycle_superpositions_edge_vector(keys, cycle_matrix)[source]¶
Compute the edge vector of a cycle aquired from superposition of basis cycles.
- Args:
keys (list):
An index list indicating which cycles are to be superimposed.
cycle_matrix (ndarray):
The binary edge vectors of all cycles bundled into one matrix (technically the graph’s mesh matrix).
- Returns:
The signature-sensitive edge vectors of all cycles bundled into one matrix (technically the graph’s mesh matrix)
- snarlpy.edge_algebra.sort_rows(column, idx, Ax)[source]¶
Resort rows, as part of acquiring the echelon form of the linear system Ax.
- Args:
column (ndarray):
Current column index being processed.
idx (ndarray):
The current row processed that needs to be shifted.
Ax (ndarray):
A given binary equation system, used for linear independence tests of Eulerian cycles.
- members:
- show-inheritance:
- snarlpy.sampling.calc_basisIntertwinedness(graph_sets)[source]¶
Compute the first intertwinedness metrics (linkage matrices for arbitrary cycle bases).
- Args:
grap_sets (list):
A list of networkx.Graph objects which posses a defined spatial embedding (nodal pos-attributes).
- Returns:
A list of the arbitrarily chosen cycle matrix for the graphs.
The linkage matrix of the graph set.
- snarlpy.sampling.calc_basis_linkage(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2)[source]¶
Compute the linkage dictionary for each cycle pair.
- Args:
cycle_sets1 (list):
A list of networkx.Graph objects, represting the basis cycles of the input graph #1.
cycle_sets2 (list):
A list of networkx.Graph objects, represting the basis cycles of the input graph #2.
- Returns:
The linkage dictionary, contaitning the non-rounded results of the Gauss-Map calculations for each cycle pair.
- snarlpy.sampling.calc_cycle_basis(nx_graph)[source]¶
Compute a cycle basis of a simple graph via a bfs search algorithm.
- Args:
nx_graph (networkx.Graph):
A simple graph.
- Returns:
A list of networkx.Graph objeccts, represting the basis cycles of the input graph.
- snarlpy.sampling.calc_cycle_minimum_basis(nx_graph)[source]¶
Compute a minimal topological cycle basis of a simple graph via Horton’s algorithm.
- Args:
nx_graph (networkx.Graph):
A simple graph.
- Returns:
A list of networkx.Graph objects, represting the basis cycles of the input graph.
- snarlpy.sampling.calc_nullity(G)[source]¶
Compute a simple graph’s nullity/cyclomatic number.
- Args:
G (networkx.Graph):
A simple graph.
- Returns:
The cyclomatic number of the graph.
- snarlpy.sampling.extract_linkage_matrix(numeric_res)[source]¶
Compute the linkage matrix from raw, non-rounded resuts dict structure.
- Args:
numeric_res (networkx.Graph):
The linkage dictionary, contaitning the non-rounded results of the Gauss-Map calculations for each cycle pair.
- Returns:
The linkage matrix of two graphs in cycle per cycle representation.
- snarlpy.sampling.get_basis_matrices(input_graphs, cyc_nx_base)[source]¶
Compute auxillary matrix sets for further computation intertwinedness metrics.
- Args:
input_graphs (list):
A list of networkx.Graph objects which posses a defined spatial embedding (nodal pos-attributes).
cyc_nx_base (list):
A list of basis cycles for each graph.
- Returns:
A list of edge-tuples for each graph.
The respective edge signatures for each graph.
A list of (directed) mesh matrices for each graph.
A list of (undirected) mesh matrices for each graph.
- snarlpy.signature.extract_eulerpath(nx_cycle, root)[source]¶
Extract the Eulerian path as an edge sequence from a cycle, given an arbitrary starting node.
- Args:
nx_cycle (networkx.Graph):
A networkx.Graph object represeting a cycle.
nroot (networkx.Graph.node):
A networkx.Graph.node object to start the path search.
- Returns:
A sequence of edges (ordered)/ a walk along the cyle.
- snarlpy.signature.get_edge_direction(edge_set)[source]¶
Setting the intrinsic direction for all edges in a given set.
- Args:
edge-set (list):
A set of edges, with aplha and omega nodes non-equal.
- Returns:
A dictionary holding the signature information for any edge in the set.
- snarlpy.signature.get_relative_direction(edge, sig_graph)[source]¶
Getting the edge signature for an edge set in relation to a reference set.
- Args:
edge-set (list):
A set of edges, with aplha and omega nodes non-equal.
sig_grapht (dict):
A dictionary holding the signature information for any edge in the reference graph.
- Returns:
A dictionary holding the signature information for any edge in the set.
- snarlpy.signature.get_signature(nx_cycle, sig_graph)[source]¶
Given a simple graph for reference, compute the edge signatures for the Eulerian path through the cycle.
- Args:
nx_cycle (networkx.Graph):
A networkx.Graph object represeting a cycle.
sig_grapht (dict):
A dictionary holding the signature information for any edge in the reference graph.
- Returns:
A dictionary holding the signature information for any edge in the cycle graph.
- snarlpy.signature.get_signature_rand(nx_cycle, sig_graph)[source]¶
Given a simple graph for reference, compute the edge signatures for the Eulerian path through the cycle. Randomize the root node during path search.
- Args:
nx_cycle (networkx.Graph):
A networkx.Graph object represeting a cycle.
sig_grapht (dict):
A dictionary holding the signature information for any edge in the reference graph.
- Returns:
A dictionary holding the signature information for any edge in the cycle graph.
- class snarlpy.simpleCycles.simple_cycles(G=None)[source]¶
A class to generate cycle bases and create a minimal basis in networkx formats
- Gnx.Graph()
A simple graph which on which the cycle basis is calcuclated
- breadth_first_tree(root)[source]¶
Return a bfs-tree from root, as well a dictionary of shortest paths between branching points and leaves.
- Args:
root (int):
The root vertex for bfs search.
- Returns:
The spanning tree from bfs search
A dicitonary of shortest paths between branching points and leaves.
- compute_cycles_superlist(root)[source]¶
Returns an edge list of cycles drawn from a Horton cycle search for one vertex.
- Args:
root (int): The root vertex of the current bfs tree
- Returns:
list: The superlist of cycles from all bfs trees, in edge list representation
- Raises:
Exception: description
- compute_linear_independence(edge_mat)[source]¶
Return bool whether all columns of E are linear independent in Z2.
- Args:
edge_mat (ndarray):
An ndarray representing a binary cycle matrix in Z2.
- Returns:
Result indicating whether the columns are linear independent.
- Raises:
Exception: description
- compute_sprouts(root, T, labels, push_down, dict_path, queue)[source]¶
Update bfs push list and tree structure.
- construct_minimum_basis()[source]¶
Return a cycle basis for the input graph, with all elements edge lists.
- Args:
input_graph (nx.Graph):
A networkx graph
- Returns:
The minimal basis of the graph, represented by a list of edge lists.
- Raises:
Exception: description
- construct_networkx_basis(input_graph=None, root='random')[source]¶
Return a cycle basis for the input graph, with all elements edge lists.
- Args:
input_graph (nx.Graph):
A networkx graph with ‘many’ cycles
- Returns:
The basis of the graph, represented by a list of networkx graphs.
- construct_networkx_minimum_basis(input_graph=None)[source]¶
Return a minimum cycle basis for the input graph, with all elements edge lists.
- Args:
input_graph (nx.Graph):
A networkx graph with ‘many’ cycles
- Returns:
The minimal basis of the graph, represented by a list of networkx graphs.
- edge_matrix(nx_edges, minimum_label, new_cycle)[source]¶
Return a binary matrix for operations on Z2, representing current cycle candidates and a test cycle.
- Args:
nx_edges (nx.Graph):
A networkx graph backbone being rebuilt with cycle base edges
minimum_label (list):
The labels sorting the edges in the binary cycle matrix.
new_cycle (list):
A list of edges of the cycle to be tested.
- Returns:
ndarray: Numpy array representing a binary cycle matrix in Z2.
- Raises:
Exception: description
- extract_path_origin(cycle)[source]¶
Find and return an oriented closed edge walk on a simple cycle.
- Args:
cycle (nx.Graph):
A networkx graph representing a simple Eulerian cycle.
- Returns:
A list of nodes, in order of the cyclic path.
- find_cycle(dict_path, e, n)[source]¶
Returns an edge list, and node list for a cycle constructed from spanning tree + additional edge.
- Args:
dict_path (dictionary):
A dictionary of shortest paths in the bfs tree
e (tuple):
The edge which is to be plugge into the bfs tree and generates a cycle.
n (int):
The root of the current bfs tree
- Returns:
A list of vertices for the new cycle
A list of edges for the new cycle
- generate_cycle_lists()[source]¶
Returns an edge list, and labeled dictionary of cycles drawn from a Horton cycle search for all vertices.
- Returns:
A dictionary which of cycles generated from bfs searches
a list of cycles represented by their edge sets
- NotImplementedError
If no graph is initially set for the backbone Graph G.