Source code for snarlpy.cycleToolsLinking

# @Author:  Felix Kramer
# @Date:   2021-04-23T12:48:28+02:00
# @Email:
# @Project: go-with-the-flow
# @Last modified by:   felix
# @Last modified time: 2022-07-28T18:43:49+02:00
# @License: MIT
import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from scipy.integrate import nquad
import itertools as itl
from scipy import interpolate
import snarlpy.simpleCycles as simpleCycles

[docs]@dataclass class linkedCycles_tools(simpleCycles.simple_cycles): """ A class f function tools to compte linking of cycle basis of simple, spatially embedded graphs. Attributes: tck (dict):\n Spline parameters for curve smoothening edge_res (int):\n Edge point resolution. XS (list):\n Array of curve parameters (0,1) for edge point densification. N (int):\n ??? res (int):\n Numeric resoltuion of Gauss map (double integral) evaluation. threshold (float):\n Linkage number demanded accuracy. x (list):\n An array holding curve parameters for smoothened curves. dxy (float):\n Double integral infinitesimal square factor. Methods: __post_init__() The model post_init function. calc_linkage_cycleSets_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2) Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two sets of cycle bases (in networkx format). extract_points_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2) Extract the polygonial representation of each edge of the given graph sets. calc_linkage_cycleSets_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2) Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two sets of cycle bases (in polygonial format). calc_linkage_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2) Compute the linkage of polygonial curves in 3D via the Gauss map for each cycle pairing. get_geoInfo(curve_sets) Compute cycle centers and maximal point distance from center (For pre-sorting spatially distant cycles which cant'possibly be linked) compute_link_number(curve1, curve2): Compute the specific link for a pair of curves, via Gauss map evaluation. get_smooth_curve(points3D) Smoothing of polygonial curves in order to improve results for sharp bending points and fourther function generator dependencies. refine_curve_points(points3D) Increase point density of the graph'sedges, by inserting extra points along the line segments. get_smooth_points(t, tck) Create a smooth 3D point representation by utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters. get_smooth_director(t, tck): Create a smooth 3D point representation of the curves tangent by utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters. gauss_map(points, tangents) Gauss map evaluation utilizing the entirety of curve points and their tangents (equal to entire double integral kernel evaluation). """ kwargs = dict(init=False, repr=False) tck: dict = field(default_factory=dict, **kwargs) edge_res: int = field(default=5, **kwargs) XS: list = field(default_factory=list, **kwargs) # N: int = field(default=3, **kwargs) res: int = field(default=200, **kwargs) threshold: float = field(default=0.05, **kwargs) x: list = field(default_factory=list, **kwargs) dxy: float = field(default=0., **kwargs) def __post_init__(self): # def __init__(self): # super(linkedCycles_tools, self).__init__() # self.tck = {} # self.edge_res = 5 self.XS = np.linspace(0, 0.95, self.edge_res) # self.N = 3 # self.res = 200 # self.threshold = 0.05 # self.limit = 50 self.x = np.linspace(0, 1, self.res) self.dxy = (self.x[1] - self.x[0])**2
[docs] def calc_linkage_cycleSets_nxGraph(self, cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2): """ Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two sets of cycle bases (in networkx format). Args: cycle_sets1 (list): \n A list of networkx.Graph objects representing the cycle basis of graph #1. cycle_sets2 (list): \n A list of networkx.Graph objects representing the cycle basis of graph #2. Returns: dict: \n A dictionary containing the boolean value of linkage for each cycle pair of the input bases. dict: \n A dictionary containing the numeric value of linkage (Gauss map) for each cycle pair of the input bases. """ # precalc curve points and tangents for a given set of curves cs = self.extract_points_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2) bool_res, res = self.calc_linkage_cycleSets_points3D(cs[0], cs[1]) return bool_res, res
[docs] def extract_points_nxGraph(self, cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2): """ Extract the polygonial representation of each edge of the given graph sets. Args: cycle_sets1 (list): \n A list of networkx.Graph objects representing the cycle basis of graph #1. cycle_sets2 (list): \n A list of networkx.Graph objects representing the cycle basis of graph #2. Returns: list: \n A list of polygons for each input basis representing the spatially embeded curve for each basis cycle. """ curves_sets = [] for i, cs in enumerate([cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2]): curves_points = [] for c in cs: cycle_points = self.extract_path_origin(c) curves_points.append(cycle_points) curves_sets.append(curves_points) return curves_sets
[docs] def calc_linkage_cycleSets_points3D(self, curves_set1, curves_set2): """ Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two sets of cycle bases (in polygonial format). Args: cycle_sets1 (list): \n A list of 3D-point sets representing the cycle basis of graph #1. cycle_sets2 (list): \n A list of 3D-point sets representing the cycle basis of graph #2. Returns: dict: \n A dictionary containing the boolean value of linkage for each cycle pair of the input bases. dict: \n A dictionary containing the numeric value of linkage (Gauss map) for each cycle pair of the input bases. """ # precalc curve points and tangents for a given set of curves res = self.calc_linkage_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2) bool_res = {} for kc, vc in res.items(): if np.round(vc, 0) == 0: bool_res[kc] = False else: bool_res[kc] = True return bool_res, res
[docs] def calc_linkage_points3D(self, curves_set1, curves_set2): """ Compute the linkage of polygonial curves in 3D via the Gauss map for each cycle pairing. Args: cycle_sets1 (list): \n A list of 3D-point sets representing the cycle basis of graph #1. cycle_sets2 (list): \n A list of 3D-point sets representing the cycle basis of graph #2. Returns: dict: \n A dictionary containing the numeric value of linkage (Gauss map) for each cycle pair of the input bases. """ res = {} curves_sets = [curves_set1, curves_set2] # pre-sort non-overlapping cycles k = [len(c) for c in curves_sets] all_idx = itl.product(range(k[0]), range(k[1])) center, dist_fromCenter = self.get_geoInfo(curves_sets) check_list = [] for i, j in all_idx: res[(i, j)] = 0. dc = np.subtract(center[0][i], center[1][j]) ds = dist_fromCenter[0][i] + dist_fromCenter[1][j] dist_c = np.linalg.norm(dc) dist = dist_c-ds if dist < 0: check_list.append((i, j)) # compute linking numbers only for spatially overlapping curves curve_pairs = [[curves_set1[i], curves_set2[j]] for i, j in check_list] # linkage_pairs = itl.starmap(self.compute_link_number, curve_pairs) # parallel computing of loop combinations neccessary? import multiprocessing as mp pool = mp.Pool(processes=4) linkage_pairs = pool.starmap(self.compute_link_number, curve_pairs) pool.close() # for i, lk in enumerate(linkage_pairs): res.update({check_list[i]: lk}) return res
[docs] def get_geoInfo(self, curve_sets): """ Compute cycle centers and maximal point distance from center (For pre-sorting spatially distant cycles which cant'possibly be linked) Args: curve_sets (list): \n A list of polygons for each input basis representing the spatially embeded curve for each basis cycle. Returns: dict: \n A dictionary containing cycle centers for each cycle basis (3D points) dict: \n A dictionary containing maximal point distance from the center for each cycle basis. """ center = {0: [], 1: []} dist_fromCenter = {0: [], 1: []} for i, curves in enumerate(curve_sets): for j, cs in enumerate(curves): center[i].append(np.mean(cs, axis=0)) ds = np.subtract(center[i][-1], cs) max_ds = np.amax(np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1)) dist_fromCenter[i].append(max_ds) return center, dist_fromCenter
[docs] def get_smooth_curve(self, points3D): """ Smoothing of polygonial curves in order to improve results for sharp bending points and fourther function generator dependencies. Args: points3D (list): \n A list 3D points (ordered) forming a closed curve. Returns: tuple: \n (t,c,k) a tuple containing the vector of knots, the B-spline coefficients, and the degree of the spline. """ # generate more comprehensive point sets from line curves curve_points = self.refine_curve_points(points3D) f = np.array(curve_points) x = f[:, 0] y = f[:, 1] z = f[:, 2] x[-1] = x[0] y[-1] = y[0] z[-1] = z[0] # smooth curves tck, u = interpolate.splprep([x, y, z], s=0., per=1) return tck
[docs] def refine_curve_points(self, points3D): """ Increase point density of the graph'sedges, by inserting extra points along the line segments. Args: points3D (list): \n A list 3D points (ordered) forming a closed curve, each consecutive tuple represents an edge from the graph. Returns: list: \n Denser 3D point representation of closed curves. """ new_curve_points = [] for i, p1 in enumerate(points3D): p2 = points3D[(i+1) % len(points3D)] dp = np.subtract(p2, p1) new_set = [np.add(x*dp, p1) for x in self.XS] new_curve_points += new_set return new_curve_points
[docs] def get_smooth_points(self, t, tck): """ Create a smooth 3D point representation by utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters. Args: t (list): \n Current curve parameter. tck (tuple): \n (t,c,k) a tuple containing the vector of knots, the B-spline coefficients, and the degree of the spline. Returns: ndarrray: \n A 3D point as part of the smooth curve representation. """ x, y, z = interpolate.splev(t, tck) return np.array((x, y, z))
[docs] def get_smooth_director(self, t, tck): """ Create a smooth 3D point representation of the curves tangent by utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters. Args: t (list): \n Current curve parameter. tck (tuple): \n (t,c,k) a tuple containing the vector of knots, the B-spline coefficients, and the degree of the spline. Returns: ndarrray: \n A 3D point as part of the smooth curve representation. """ dt = 0.00001 p_f = np.array(self.get_smooth_points(t+dt, tck)) p_b = np.array(self.get_smooth_points(t-dt, tck)) d = np.subtract(p_f, p_b)/(2. * dt) return d
[docs] def gauss_map(self, points, tangents): """ Gauss map evaluation utilizing the entirety of curve points and their tangents (equal to entire double integral kernel evaluation). Args: points (list): \n A list of 3D points as part of the smooth curve representation, for each cyce. tangents (tuple): \n A list 3D points as part of the smooth curve representation, for each cycle. Returns: float: \n The evaluated, non-rounded value of the Gauss map kernel. """ gm = 0. d1 = tangents[0] d2 = tangents[1] for i, r1 in enumerate(points[0]): df = np.subtract(r1, points[1]) df12 = np.divide(df.transpose(), np.linalg.norm(df, axis=1)**3) d12 = np.cross(d1[i], d2) gm += np.einsum('ij,ij', d12, df12.transpose()) return gm
[docs]@dataclass class linkedCycles_extraTools(linkedCycles_tools): """ A class f function tools to compte linking of cycle basis of simple, spatially embedded graphs. Attributes: tck (dict):\n Spline parameters for curve smoothening edge_res (int):\n Edge point resolution. XS (list):\n Array of curve parameters (0,1) for edge point densification. N (int):\n ??? res (int):\n Numeric resoltuion of Gauss map (double integral) evaluation. threshold (float):\n Linkage number demanded accuracy. limit (int):\n Internal limit numbers. lm (list):\n List of internal limit numbers. itvl (list):\n Double integral borders. x (list):\n An array holding curve parameters for smoothened curves. dxy (float):\n Double integral infinitesimal square factor. Methods: __post_init__() The model post_init function. calc_linkage_cycleSets_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2) Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two sets of cycle bases (in networkx format). extract_points_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2) Extract the polygonial representation of each edge of the given graph sets. calc_linkage_cycleSets_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2) Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two sets of cycle bases (in polygonial format). calc_linkage_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2) Compute the linkage of polygonial curves in 3D via the Gauss map for each cycle pairing. get_geoInfo(curve_sets) Compute cycle centers and maximal point distance from center (For pre-sorting spatially distant cycles which cant'possibly be linked) compute_link_number(curve1, curve2): Compute the specific link for a pair of curves, via Gauss map evaluation. get_smooth_curve(points3D) Smoothing of polygonial curves in order to improve results for sharp bending points and fourther function generator dependencies. refine_curve_points(points3D) Increase point density of the graph'sedges, by inserting extra points along the line segments. get_smooth_points(t, tck) Create a smooth 3D point representation by utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters. get_smooth_director(t, tck): Create a smooth 3D point representation of the curves tangent by utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters. gauss_map(points, tangents) Gauss map evaluation utilizing the entirety of curve points and their tangents (equal to entire double integral kernel evaluation). compute_link_number(curve1, curve2) Compute the linking number of two closed curves (3D point representation). """ # def __init__(self): # # super(linkedCycles_extraTools, self).__init__() kwargs = dict(init=False, repr=False) limit: int = field(default=50, **kwargs) lm: list = field(default_factory=list, **kwargs) itvl: list = field(default_factory=list, **kwargs) def __post_init__(self): self.lm = [dict(limit=self.limit) for i in range(2)] self.itvl = [(0, 1), (0, 1)]
[docs] def gauss_map(self, x1, x2, p12, t, t12): """ Gauss mappiecewise linear bits of the entire closed super-curves. Args: x1 (float): Curve parameter #1. x2 (float): Curve parameter #2. p12 (ndarray): Anchor point difference. t (list): A list of ndarrays representing the current edge tangent vector. p12 (ndarray): Anchor point difference. Returns: float: \n The evaluated, non-rounded value of the Gauss map kernel bit. """ # df = p12+x1*t[0]-x2*t[1] # df12 = df/((df[0]**2+df[1]**2+df[2]**2)**1.5) # gm = df12[0] * t12[0] + df12[1] * t12[1] + df12[2] * t12[2] dx = p12[0]+x1*t[0][0]-x2*t[1][0] dy = p12[1]+x1*t[0][1]-x2*t[1][1] dz = p12[2]+x1*t[0][2]-x2*t[1][2] dr = (dx**2+dy**2+dz**2)**1.5 gm = (dx * t12[0] + dy * t12[1] + dz * t12[2]) / dr return gm