Source code for snarlpy.cycleToolsLinking
# @Author: Felix Kramer
# @Date: 2021-04-23T12:48:28+02:00
# @Email:
# @Project: go-with-the-flow
# @Last modified by: felix
# @Last modified time: 2022-07-28T18:43:49+02:00
# @License: MIT
import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from scipy.integrate import nquad
import itertools as itl
from scipy import interpolate
import snarlpy.simpleCycles as simpleCycles
class linkedCycles_tools(simpleCycles.simple_cycles):
A class f function tools to compte linking of cycle basis of simple,
spatially embedded graphs.
tck (dict):\n
Spline parameters for curve smoothening
edge_res (int):\n
Edge point resolution.
XS (list):\n
Array of curve parameters (0,1) for edge point densification.
N (int):\n
res (int):\n
Numeric resoltuion of Gauss map (double integral) evaluation.
threshold (float):\n
Linkage number demanded accuracy.
x (list):\n
An array holding curve parameters for smoothened curves.
dxy (float):\n
Double integral infinitesimal square factor.
The model post_init function.
calc_linkage_cycleSets_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2)
Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for
two sets of cycle bases (in networkx format).
extract_points_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2)
Extract the polygonial representation of each edge of the given
graph sets.
calc_linkage_cycleSets_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2)
Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for
two sets of cycle bases (in polygonial format).
calc_linkage_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2)
Compute the linkage of polygonial curves in 3D via the Gauss map
for each cycle pairing.
Compute cycle centers and maximal point distance from center (For
pre-sorting spatially distant cycles which cant'possibly be linked)
compute_link_number(curve1, curve2):
Compute the specific link for a pair of curves, via Gauss map
Smoothing of polygonial curves in order to improve results for
sharp bending points and fourther function generator dependencies.
Increase point density of the graph'sedges, by inserting extra
points along the line segments.
get_smooth_points(t, tck)
Create a smooth 3D point representation by utilizing previoulsy
calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters.
get_smooth_director(t, tck):
Create a smooth 3D point representation of the curves tangent by
utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve
gauss_map(points, tangents)
Gauss map evaluation utilizing the entirety of curve points and
their tangents (equal to entire double integral kernel evaluation).
kwargs = dict(init=False, repr=False)
tck: dict = field(default_factory=dict, **kwargs)
edge_res: int = field(default=5, **kwargs)
XS: list = field(default_factory=list, **kwargs)
# N: int = field(default=3, **kwargs)
res: int = field(default=200, **kwargs)
threshold: float = field(default=0.05, **kwargs)
x: list = field(default_factory=list, **kwargs)
dxy: float = field(default=0., **kwargs)
def __post_init__(self):
# def __init__(self):
# super(linkedCycles_tools, self).__init__()
# self.tck = {}
# self.edge_res = 5
self.XS = np.linspace(0, 0.95, self.edge_res)
# self.N = 3
# self.res = 200
# self.threshold = 0.05
# self.limit = 50
self.x = np.linspace(0, 1, self.res)
self.dxy = (self.x[1] - self.x[0])**2
[docs] def calc_linkage_cycleSets_nxGraph(self, cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2):
Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two
sets of cycle bases (in networkx format).
cycle_sets1 (list): \n
A list of networkx.Graph objects representing the cycle basis
of graph #1.
cycle_sets2 (list): \n
A list of networkx.Graph objects representing the cycle basis
of graph #2.
dict: \n
A dictionary containing the boolean value of linkage for each
cycle pair of the input bases.
dict: \n
A dictionary containing the numeric value of linkage (Gauss
map) for each cycle pair of the input bases.
# precalc curve points and tangents for a given set of curves
cs = self.extract_points_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2)
bool_res, res = self.calc_linkage_cycleSets_points3D(cs[0], cs[1])
return bool_res, res
[docs] def extract_points_nxGraph(self, cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2):
Extract the polygonial representation of each edge of the given graph
cycle_sets1 (list): \n
A list of networkx.Graph objects representing the cycle basis
of graph #1.
cycle_sets2 (list): \n
A list of networkx.Graph objects representing the cycle basis
of graph #2.
list: \n
A list of polygons for each input basis representing the
spatially embeded curve for each basis cycle.
curves_sets = []
for i, cs in enumerate([cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2]):
curves_points = []
for c in cs:
cycle_points = self.extract_path_origin(c)
return curves_sets
[docs] def calc_linkage_cycleSets_points3D(self, curves_set1, curves_set2):
Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for two
sets of cycle bases (in polygonial format).
cycle_sets1 (list): \n
A list of 3D-point sets representing the cycle basis
of graph #1.
cycle_sets2 (list): \n
A list of 3D-point sets representing the cycle basis
of graph #2.
dict: \n
A dictionary containing the boolean value of linkage for each
cycle pair of the input bases.
dict: \n
A dictionary containing the numeric value of linkage (Gauss
map) for each cycle pair of the input bases.
# precalc curve points and tangents for a given set of curves
res = self.calc_linkage_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2)
bool_res = {}
for kc, vc in res.items():
if np.round(vc, 0) == 0:
bool_res[kc] = False
bool_res[kc] = True
return bool_res, res
[docs] def calc_linkage_points3D(self, curves_set1, curves_set2):
Compute the linkage of polygonial curves in 3D via the Gauss map for
each cycle pairing.
cycle_sets1 (list): \n
A list of 3D-point sets representing the cycle basis
of graph #1.
cycle_sets2 (list): \n
A list of 3D-point sets representing the cycle basis
of graph #2.
dict: \n
A dictionary containing the numeric value of linkage (Gauss
map) for each cycle pair of the input bases.
res = {}
curves_sets = [curves_set1, curves_set2]
# pre-sort non-overlapping cycles
k = [len(c) for c in curves_sets]
all_idx = itl.product(range(k[0]), range(k[1]))
center, dist_fromCenter = self.get_geoInfo(curves_sets)
check_list = []
for i, j in all_idx:
res[(i, j)] = 0.
dc = np.subtract(center[0][i], center[1][j])
ds = dist_fromCenter[0][i] + dist_fromCenter[1][j]
dist_c = np.linalg.norm(dc)
dist = dist_c-ds
if dist < 0:
check_list.append((i, j))
# compute linking numbers only for spatially overlapping curves
curve_pairs = [[curves_set1[i], curves_set2[j]] for i, j in check_list]
# linkage_pairs = itl.starmap(self.compute_link_number, curve_pairs)
# parallel computing of loop combinations neccessary?
import multiprocessing as mp
pool = mp.Pool(processes=4)
linkage_pairs = pool.starmap(self.compute_link_number, curve_pairs)
for i, lk in enumerate(linkage_pairs):
res.update({check_list[i]: lk})
return res
[docs] def get_geoInfo(self, curve_sets):
Compute cycle centers and maximal point distance from center (For
pre-sorting spatially distant cycles which cant'possibly be linked)
curve_sets (list): \n
A list of polygons for each input basis representing the
spatially embeded curve for each basis cycle.
dict: \n
A dictionary containing cycle centers for each cycle basis
(3D points)
dict: \n
A dictionary containing maximal point distance from the center
for each cycle basis.
center = {0: [], 1: []}
dist_fromCenter = {0: [], 1: []}
for i, curves in enumerate(curve_sets):
for j, cs in enumerate(curves):
center[i].append(np.mean(cs, axis=0))
ds = np.subtract(center[i][-1], cs)
max_ds = np.amax(np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1))
return center, dist_fromCenter
[docs] def compute_link_number(self, curve1, curve2):
Compute the specific link for a pair of curves, via Gauss map
curve_1 (list): \n
A list 3D points (ordered) forming a closed curve (cycle #1).
curve_1 (list): \n
A list 3D points (ordered) forming a closed curve (cycle #2).
float: \n
Non-rounded result of numeric double integral evaluation.
# init path integrals parameters
xSet = self.x
dxy = self.dxy
steps = self.res
refining = True
while refining:
# generate smooth curves for each cycle
points, tangents = [], []
for i, curve in enumerate([curve1, curve2]):
tck = self.get_smooth_curve(curve)
p = [self.get_smooth_points(xs, tck) for xs in xSet]
t = [self.get_smooth_director(xs, tck) for xs in xSet]
lk = self.gauss_map(points, tangents)*dxy/(4.*np.pi)
# check accuracy, refine path integrals if neccessary
dl = np.absolute(np.round(lk, 0)-lk)
if dl < self.threshold:
refining = False
steps *= 2
xSet = np.linspace(0, 1, steps)
dx = xSet[1]-xSet[0]
dxy = dx**2
if steps > 2000:
print('slow convergence, error: ')
print('refining path integral: ')
return lk
[docs] def get_smooth_curve(self, points3D):
Smoothing of polygonial curves in order to improve results for sharp
bending points and fourther function generator dependencies.
points3D (list): \n
A list 3D points (ordered) forming a closed curve.
tuple: \n
(t,c,k) a tuple containing the vector of knots, the B-spline
coefficients, and the degree of the spline.
# generate more comprehensive point sets from line curves
curve_points = self.refine_curve_points(points3D)
f = np.array(curve_points)
x = f[:, 0]
y = f[:, 1]
z = f[:, 2]
x[-1] = x[0]
y[-1] = y[0]
z[-1] = z[0]
# smooth curves
tck, u = interpolate.splprep([x, y, z], s=0., per=1)
return tck
[docs] def refine_curve_points(self, points3D):
Increase point density of the graph'sedges, by inserting extra points
along the line segments.
points3D (list): \n
A list 3D points (ordered) forming a closed curve, each
consecutive tuple represents an edge from the graph.
list: \n
Denser 3D point representation of closed curves.
new_curve_points = []
for i, p1 in enumerate(points3D):
p2 = points3D[(i+1) % len(points3D)]
dp = np.subtract(p2, p1)
new_set = [np.add(x*dp, p1) for x in self.XS]
new_curve_points += new_set
return new_curve_points
[docs] def get_smooth_points(self, t, tck):
Create a smooth 3D point representation by utilizing previoulsy
calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters.
t (list): \n
Current curve parameter.
tck (tuple): \n
(t,c,k) a tuple containing the vector of knots, the B-spline
coefficients, and the degree of the spline.
ndarrray: \n
A 3D point as part of the smooth curve representation.
x, y, z = interpolate.splev(t, tck)
return np.array((x, y, z))
[docs] def get_smooth_director(self, t, tck):
Create a smooth 3D point representation of the curves tangent by
utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve
t (list): \n
Current curve parameter.
tck (tuple): \n
(t,c,k) a tuple containing the vector of knots, the B-spline
coefficients, and the degree of the spline.
ndarrray: \n
A 3D point as part of the smooth curve representation.
dt = 0.00001
p_f = np.array(self.get_smooth_points(t+dt, tck))
p_b = np.array(self.get_smooth_points(t-dt, tck))
d = np.subtract(p_f, p_b)/(2. * dt)
return d
[docs] def gauss_map(self, points, tangents):
Gauss map evaluation utilizing the entirety of curve points and their
tangents (equal to entire double integral kernel evaluation).
points (list): \n
A list of 3D points as part of the smooth curve representation,
for each cyce.
tangents (tuple): \n
A list 3D points as part of the smooth curve representation,
for each cycle.
float: \n
The evaluated, non-rounded value of the Gauss map kernel.
gm = 0.
d1 = tangents[0]
d2 = tangents[1]
for i, r1 in enumerate(points[0]):
df = np.subtract(r1, points[1])
df12 = np.divide(df.transpose(), np.linalg.norm(df, axis=1)**3)
d12 = np.cross(d1[i], d2)
gm += np.einsum('ij,ij', d12, df12.transpose())
return gm
class linkedCycles_extraTools(linkedCycles_tools):
A class f function tools to compte linking of cycle basis of simple,
spatially embedded graphs.
tck (dict):\n
Spline parameters for curve smoothening
edge_res (int):\n
Edge point resolution.
XS (list):\n
Array of curve parameters (0,1) for edge point densification.
N (int):\n
res (int):\n
Numeric resoltuion of Gauss map (double integral) evaluation.
threshold (float):\n
Linkage number demanded accuracy.
limit (int):\n
Internal limit numbers.
lm (list):\n
List of internal limit numbers.
itvl (list):\n
Double integral borders.
x (list):\n
An array holding curve parameters for smoothened curves.
dxy (float):\n
Double integral infinitesimal square factor.
The model post_init function.
calc_linkage_cycleSets_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2)
Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for
two sets of cycle bases (in networkx format).
extract_points_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2)
Extract the polygonial representation of each edge of the given
graph sets.
calc_linkage_cycleSets_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2)
Compute the linkage dictionaries in boolean and numeric form for
two sets of cycle bases (in polygonial format).
calc_linkage_points3D(curves_set1, curves_set2)
Compute the linkage of polygonial curves in 3D via the Gauss map
for each cycle pairing.
Compute cycle centers and maximal point distance from center (For
pre-sorting spatially distant cycles which cant'possibly be linked)
compute_link_number(curve1, curve2):
Compute the specific link for a pair of curves, via Gauss map
Smoothing of polygonial curves in order to improve results for
sharp bending points and fourther function generator dependencies.
Increase point density of the graph'sedges, by inserting extra
points along the line segments.
get_smooth_points(t, tck)
Create a smooth 3D point representation by utilizing previoulsy
calucalted spline parameters and current curve parameters.
get_smooth_director(t, tck):
Create a smooth 3D point representation of the curves tangent by
utilizing previoulsy calucalted spline parameters and current curve
gauss_map(points, tangents)
Gauss map evaluation utilizing the entirety of curve points and
their tangents (equal to entire double integral kernel evaluation).
compute_link_number(curve1, curve2)
Compute the linking number of two closed curves
(3D point representation).
# def __init__(self):
# super(linkedCycles_extraTools, self).__init__()
kwargs = dict(init=False, repr=False)
limit: int = field(default=50, **kwargs)
lm: list = field(default_factory=list, **kwargs)
itvl: list = field(default_factory=list, **kwargs)
def __post_init__(self):
self.lm = [dict(limit=self.limit) for i in range(2)]
self.itvl = [(0, 1), (0, 1)]
[docs] def compute_link_number(self, curve1, curve2):
Compute the linking number of two closed curves
(3D point representation).
curve_1 (list): \n
A list of 3D-point sets representing a cycle
of graph #1.
curve_2 (list): \n
A list of 3D-point sets representing a cycle
of graph #2.
dict: \n
A dictionary containing the numeric value of the linking number
integral (Gauss map).
# decompose any polygon train as a series of straigh line functions
T = []
for curve in [curve1, curve2]:
cs = curve+[curve[0]]
tangents = [
np.subtract(cs[i+1], ps) for i, ps in enumerate(cs[:-1])
p = itl.product(curve1, curve2)
t = itl.product(*T)
pars = zip(p, t)
# calculate the linking number as evaluation of all line segments
# combined
lk = 0.
for p, t in pars:
t1, t2 = t
t12 = np.cross(*t)
p12 = p[0]-p[1]
lk += nquad(
args=(p12, t, t12),
res = lk/(4.*np.pi)
return res
[docs] def gauss_map(self, x1, x2, p12, t, t12):
Gauss mappiecewise linear bits of the entire closed super-curves.
x1 (float):
Curve parameter #1.
x2 (float):
Curve parameter #2.
p12 (ndarray):
Anchor point difference.
t (list):
A list of ndarrays representing the current edge tangent
p12 (ndarray):
Anchor point difference.
float: \n
The evaluated, non-rounded value of the Gauss map kernel bit.
# df = p12+x1*t[0]-x2*t[1]
# df12 = df/((df[0]**2+df[1]**2+df[2]**2)**1.5)
# gm = df12[0] * t12[0] + df12[1] * t12[1] + df12[2] * t12[2]
dx = p12[0]+x1*t[0][0]-x2*t[1][0]
dy = p12[1]+x1*t[0][1]-x2*t[1][1]
dz = p12[2]+x1*t[0][2]-x2*t[1][2]
dr = (dx**2+dy**2+dz**2)**1.5
gm = (dx * t12[0] + dy * t12[1] + dz * t12[2]) / dr
return gm