Source code for snarlpy.sampling

# @Author:  Felix Kramer
# @Date:   2021-09-25T14:20:58+02:00
# @Email:
# @Project: go-with-the-flow
# @Last modified by:   felix
# @Last modified time: 2022-07-28T18:45:01+02:00
# @License: MIT
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

import snarlpy.edge_algebra as edge_algebra
import snarlpy.signature as signature
import snarlpy.cycleToolsLinking as ctl

[docs]def calc_nullity(G): """ Compute a simple graph's nullity/cyclomatic number. Args: G (networkx.Graph):\n A simple graph. Returns: int:\n The cyclomatic number of the graph. """ E = nx.number_of_edges(G) N = nx.number_of_nodes(G) CC = nx.number_connected_components(G) nullity = E-N+CC return nullity
[docs]def calc_basisIntertwinedness(graph_sets): """ Compute the first intertwinedness metrics (linkage matrices for arbitrary cycle bases). Args: grap_sets (list):\n A list of networkx.Graph objects which posses a defined spatial embedding (nodal pos-attributes). Returns: list:\n A list of the arbitrarily chosen cycle matrix for the graphs. ndarray:\n The linkage matrix of the graph set. """ # generate basis vectors and corresponding graph matrices # cyc_nx_bases=[calc_cycle_basis(G) for G in graph_sets] cyc_nx_bases = [calc_cycle_minimum_basis(G) for G in graph_sets] # compute linkage of basis vectors numeric_res = calc_basis_linkage(*cyc_nx_bases) lk_mat = extract_linkage_matrix(numeric_res) return cyc_nx_bases, lk_mat
[docs]def get_basis_matrices(input_graphs, cyc_nx_base): """ Compute auxillary matrix sets for further computation intertwinedness metrics. Args: input_graphs (list):\n A list of networkx.Graph objects which posses a defined spatial embedding (nodal pos-attributes). cyc_nx_base (list):\n A list of basis cycles for each graph. Returns: list:\n A list of edge-tuples for each graph. list:\n The respective edge signatures for each graph. list:\n A list of (directed) mesh matrices for each graph. list:\n A list of (undirected) mesh matrices for each graph. """ # get edge representations of graphs edge_mat = [list(G.edges()) for G in input_graphs] sig = [signature.get_edge_direction(e) for e in edge_mat] # init cycle matrices directed and undirected, note they are transposed to # each other set_size = len(input_graphs) cyc_mat_dir = [ edge_algebra.generate_edge_matrix( cyc_nx_base[i], edge_mat[i], sig[i]) for i in range(set_size) ] cyc_mat_undir = [ edge_algebra.generate_edge_matrix_binary( cyc_nx_base[i], edge_mat[i]) for i in range(set_size) ] return edge_mat, sig, cyc_mat_dir, cyc_mat_undir
[docs]def calc_cycle_basis(nx_graph): """ Compute a cycle basis of a simple graph via a bfs search algorithm. Args: nx_graph (networkx.Graph):\n A simple graph. Returns: list:\n A list of networkx.Graph objeccts, represting the basis cycles of the input graph. """ S = ctl.linkedCycles_tools() S.G = nx.Graph(nx_graph) basis_nx = S.construct_networkx_basis() return basis_nx
[docs]def calc_cycle_minimum_basis(nx_graph): """ Compute a minimal topological cycle basis of a simple graph via Horton's algorithm. Args: nx_graph (networkx.Graph):\n A simple graph. Returns: list:\n A list of networkx.Graph objects, represting the basis cycles of the input graph. """ S = ctl.linkedCycles_tools() S.G = nx.Graph(nx_graph) basis_nx = S.construct_networkx_minimum_basis() return basis_nx
[docs]def extract_linkage_matrix(numeric_res): """ Compute the linkage matrix from raw, non-rounded resuts dict structure. Args: numeric_res (networkx.Graph):\n The linkage dictionary, contaitning the non-rounded results of the Gauss-Map calculations for each cycle pair. Returns: ndarray:\n The linkage matrix of two graphs in cycle per cycle representation. """ d1 = set([k[0] for k in numeric_res.keys()]) d2 = set([k[1] for k in numeric_res.keys()]) nr = np.zeros((len(d1), len(d2))) for i in sorted(d1): for j in sorted(d2): nr[i, j] = np.round(numeric_res[(i, j)], 0) return nr
[docs]def calc_basis_linkage(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2): """ Compute the linkage dictionary for each cycle pair. Args: cycle_sets1 (list):\n A list of networkx.Graph objects, represting the basis cycles of the input graph #1. cycle_sets2 (list):\n A list of networkx.Graph objects, represting the basis cycles of the input graph #2. Returns: dict:\n The linkage dictionary, contaitning the non-rounded results of the Gauss-Map calculations for each cycle pair. """ # calc linkage of basis cycles T = ctl.linkedCycles_extraTools() bool_res, res = T.calc_linkage_cycleSets_nxGraph(cycle_sets1, cycle_sets2) return res