Source code for snarlpy.simpleCycles

# @Author: Felix Kramer <kramer>
# @Date:   04-05-2021
# @Email:
# @Project:  cycle_analysis
# @Last modified by:   felix
# @Last modified time: 2022-07-28T18:51:56+02:00
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import random as rd

[docs]class simple_cycles(object): """ A class to generate cycle bases and create a minimal basis in networkx formats Attributes ---------- G : nx.Graph() A simple graph which on which the cycle basis is calcuclated """ def __init__(self, G=None): self.G = G
[docs] def generate_cycle_lists(self): """ Returns an edge list, and labeled dictionary of cycles drawn from a Horton cycle search for all vertices. Returns: dictionary: \n A dictionary which of cycles generated from bfs searches list: \n a list of cycles represented by their edge sets Raises ------- NotImplementedError If no graph is initially set for the backbone Graph G. """ if self.G is None: raise RuntimeError( "cycle_tools_simple.simple_cycles.G is not set!" ) nx.set_node_attributes(self.G, False, 'push') # check for graph_type, then check for paralles in the Graph, # if existent insert dummy nodes to resolve conflict, # cast the network onto simple graph afterwards for i, e in enumerate(self.G.edges()): self.G.edges[e]['label'] = i root_sets = [] for n in self.G.nodes(): # building new tree using breadth first root_sets.append(self.compute_cycles_superlist(n)) key = 0 cyc_dict = {} cyc_list = {} for cyc_sets in root_sets: for cyc_E in cyc_sets: # relabeling and weighting graph cyc_list.update({key: cyc_E}) labels = [self.G.edges[f]['label'] for f in cyc_E] cyc_dict.update({key: labels}) key += 1 return cyc_dict, cyc_list
[docs] def find_cycle(self, dict_path, e, n): """ Returns an edge list, and node list for a cycle constructed from spanning tree + additional edge. Args: dict_path (dictionary):\n A dictionary of shortest paths in the bfs tree e (tuple):\n The edge which is to be plugge into the bfs tree and generates a cycle. n (int):\n The root of the current bfs tree Returns: list:\n A list of vertices for the new cycle list:\n A list of edges for the new cycle """ # label pathways l1 = dict_path[e[1]][::-1] l2 = dict_path[e[0]][::-1] if len(dict_path[e[0]]) < len(dict_path[e[1]]): l1 = dict_path[e[0]][::-1] l2 = dict_path[e[1]][::-1] idx1 = 0 idx2 = 0 for i, n in enumerate(l1): if n in l2: idx1 = i idx2 = l2.index(n) break L2 = l2[:idx2] new_path = l1[:idx1+1]+L2[::-1] new_edges = [(p, new_path[i+1]) for i, p in enumerate(new_path[:-1])] new_edges += [e] return new_path, new_edges
[docs] def compute_cycles_superlist(self, root): """ Returns an edge list of cycles drawn from a Horton cycle search for one vertex. Args: root (int): The root vertex of the current bfs tree Returns: list: The superlist of cycles from all bfs trees, in edge list representation Raises: Exception: description """ spanning_tree, dict_path = self.breadth_first_tree(root) diff_graph = nx.difference(self.G, spanning_tree) list_cycles = [] for e in diff_graph.edges(): simple_cycle, cycle_edges = self.find_cycle(dict_path, e, root) list_cycles.append(cycle_edges) return list_cycles
[docs] def construct_networkx_minimum_basis(self, input_graph=None): """ Return a minimum cycle basis for the input graph, with all elements edge lists. Args: input_graph (nx.Graph):\n A networkx graph with 'many' cycles Returns: list:\n The minimal basis of the graph, represented by a list of networkx graphs. """ if input_graph is not None: self.G = nx.Graph(input_graph) C = self.construct_minimum_basis() networkx_basis = self.fillInGraphs(C) return networkx_basis
[docs] def construct_networkx_basis(self, input_graph=None, root='random'): """ Return a cycle basis for the input graph, with all elements edge lists. Args: input_graph (nx.Graph):\n A networkx graph with 'many' cycles Returns: list:\n The basis of the graph, represented by a list of networkx graphs. """ if root == 'random': N = list(self.G.nodes) rnd = rd.randint(0, len(N)-1) root = N[rnd] if input_graph is not None: self.G = nx.Graph(input_graph) C = self.compute_cycles_superlist(root) networkx_basis = self.fillInGraphs(C) return networkx_basis
def fillInGraphs(self, C): networkx_basis = [] for cs in C: new_cycle = nx.Graph() for e in cs: new_cycle.add_edge(*e) for k, v in self.G.edges[e].items(): new_cycle.edges[e][k] = v for n in new_cycle.nodes(): for k, v in self.G.nodes[n].items(): new_cycle.nodes[n][k] = v networkx_basis.append(new_cycle) return networkx_basis
[docs] def construct_minimum_basis(self): """ Return a cycle basis for the input graph, with all elements edge lists. Args: input_graph (nx.Graph):\n A networkx graph Returns: list:\n The minimal basis of the graph, represented by a list of edge lists. Raises: Exception: description """ # calc minimum weight basis and construct dictionary for weights of # edges, takes a leave-less, connected, N > 1 SimpleGraph as input, # no self-loops optimally, deviations are not raising any warnings # sort basis vectors according to weight, creating a new minimum weight # basis from the total_cycle_list P = nx.number_connected_components(self.G) nullity = nx.number_of_edges(self.G)-nx.number_of_nodes(self.G)+P cyc_dict, cyc_list = self.generate_cycle_lists() cyc_len = {} for c, e in cyc_dict.items(): cyc_len[c] = len(e) sorted_cycle_list = sorted(cyc_len, key=cyc_len.__getitem__) min_basis = [] min_label = [] EC = nx.Graph() counter = 0 for c in sorted_cycle_list: cycle_edges_in_basis = True new_cycle = cyc_list[c] for e in new_cycle: if not EC.has_edge(*e): EC.add_edge(*e, label=counter) counter += 1 cycle_edges_in_basis = False # if cycle edges where not part of the supergraph yet then it # becomes automatically part of the basis if not cycle_edges_in_basis: min_basis.append(new_cycle) aux_label = [EC.edges[e]['label'] for e in new_cycle] min_label.append(aux_label) # if cycle edges are already included we check for linear dependece else: E = self.edge_matrix(EC, min_label, new_cycle) linear_independent = self.compute_linear_independence(E) if linear_independent: min_basis.append(new_cycle) aux_label = [EC.edges[e]['label'] for e in new_cycle] min_label.append(aux_label) if len(min_basis) == nullity: break if len(min_basis) < nullity: raise RuntimeError('Construction error, not enough cycles found!') return min_basis
[docs] def edge_matrix(self, nx_edges, minimum_label, new_cycle): """ Return a binary matrix for operations on Z2, representing current cycle candidates and a test cycle. Args: nx_edges (nx.Graph):\n A networkx graph backbone being rebuilt with cycle base edges minimum_label (list):\n The labels sorting the edges in the binary cycle matrix. new_cycle (list):\n A list of edges of the cycle to be tested. Returns: ndarray: Numpy array representing a binary cycle matrix in Z2. Raises: Exception: description """ rows = len(nx_edges.edges()) length_basis = len(minimum_label) columns = length_basis+1 E = np.zeros((rows, columns)) for i in range(length_basis): E[minimum_label[i], i] = 1 for m in new_cycle: E[nx_edges.edges[m]['label'], -1] = 1 return E
[docs] def compute_linear_independence(self, edge_mat): """ Return bool whether all columns of E are linear independent in Z2. Args: edge_mat (ndarray):\n An ndarray representing a binary cycle matrix in Z2. Returns: bool:\n Result indicating whether the columns are linear independent. Raises: Exception: description """ linear_independent = False columns = len(edge_mat[0, :]) # calc echelon form a_columns = np.arange(columns-1) for col in a_columns: idx_nz = np.nonzero(edge_mat[col:, col])[0] idx = idx_nz[0]+col if len(idx_nz) == 1: edge_mat[[col, idx], :] = edge_mat[[idx, col], :] else: new_idx = idx_nz[1:]+col aux_E = np.add(edge_mat[new_idx], edge_mat[idx]) edge_mat[new_idx] = np.mod(aux_E, 2) edge_mat[[col, idx], :] = edge_mat[[idx, col], :] r = np.nonzero(edge_mat[columns-1:, -1])[0] if r.size: linear_independent = True return linear_independent
[docs] def breadth_first_tree(self, root): """ Return a bfs-tree from root, as well a dictionary of shortest paths between branching points and leaves. Args: root (int):\n The root vertex for bfs search. Returns: nx.Graph:\n The spanning tree from bfs search dictionary:\n A dicitonary of shortest paths between branching points and leaves. """ T = nx.Graph() push_down = nx.get_node_attributes(self.G, 'push') len_n = len(self.G.nodes()) if len(push_down.keys()) != len_n: push_down = {} for n in self.G.nodes(): push_down[n] = False push_down[root] = True root_queue = [] labels = self.G.edges(root) dict_path = {root: [root]} args = [root, T, labels, push_down, dict_path, root_queue] self.compute_sprouts(*args) while T.number_of_nodes() < len_n: new_queue = [] for q in root_queue: labels = self.G.edges(q) args = [q, T, labels, push_down, dict_path, new_queue] self.compute_sprouts(*args) root_queue = new_queue[:] return T, dict_path
[docs] def compute_sprouts(self, root, T, labels, push_down, dict_path, queue): """ Update bfs push list and tree structure. """ for e in labels: if e[0] == root: if not push_down[e[1]]: T.add_edge(*e) queue.append(e[1]) push_down[e[1]] = True dict_path[e[1]] = dict_path[root]+[e[1]] else: if not push_down[e[0]]: T.add_edge(*e) queue.append(e[0]) push_down[e[0]] = True dict_path[e[0]] = dict_path[root]+[e[0]]
[docs] def extract_path_origin(self, cycle): """ Find and return an oriented closed edge walk on a simple cycle. Args: cycle (nx.Graph):\n A networkx graph representing a simple Eulerian cycle. Returns: list:\n A list of nodes, in order of the cyclic path. """ path = [] ep = nx.eulerian_path(cycle, source=list(cycle.nodes())[0]) for i, e in enumerate(ep): path.append(cycle.nodes[e[0]]['pos']) return path